These paintings are currently at studio Alice

Kids Course
'Trendy Creatures'
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
This course is an excellent opportunity to find your passion for painting in acrylic and oil. Planned and structured tuition will help you build the image step by step in a fun environment.
I am looking forward to embarking on an exciting
journey together to create one of these three 'Trendy Creatures' on canvas with you.
This course runs over 3 half days
and currently also on Thursday nights!
Dates: school holidays
(some of the art classes can be booked by a group which can be as small as a parent and child)
For more information please contact Sabine on
mobile: 0414872118

Additional Acrylic and Oil courses available
on Thursday and Friday afternoon

These gorgeous artworks were all done by my students who have been with me for years. I asked them to find some objects with personal meaning which we then photographed, playing with the layout and light. We then worked on cropping the image to find the best starting point for a painting which was executed on an acrylic base and painted in oil. I am very proud of their achievement!