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These paintings are currently at studio Alice

...with or without mask...I would love to see you!
Kids Course (approximate age11 - 16)
'The Face'
from concept to finished artwork....
This course is all about 'The Face’, and covers concept development, different styles of drawing and shading, pen and ink work, watercolour acrylics and collage. At the same time we will also do experimental fun and freestyle work to make a fancy cover for our Art journal. There will be plenty of clear and easy instructions to follow and heaps of artistic fun to be had with like minded students.
Dates: to be advised
Time: 6 sessions, 1.5 hours each
(some of the art classes can be booked by a group which can be as small as a parent and child, for more information on private lessons please contact Sabine)
Place: Studio Alice, Woorim Bribie Island
For more information please contact Sabine on
mobile: 0414872118

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